Recipe: Turkey Rolled Carrot

Turkey Rolled Carrot

Welcome to our first “Help, I Hate Cooking But Want to Eat Healthy” blog post!

When I’m creating my snacks or meals, I’m looking for nutritious ingredients that I can eat on the go, require minimal cooking or preparation, and are well balanced in macro nutrients (carbs, fat, proten). 

Today’s snack is the Turkey Rolled Carrot.
You need three ingredients for today’s snack

  1. Sliced turkey breast (lean protein) - Trader Joe’s Turkey Breast

  2. Baby carrots (vegetable, minimal sugar, small amount of carb) -Trader Joes’s Carrots

  3. Guacamole (high in mono + poly unsaturated fats) -Trader Joe’s Guac


  1. Pick delightfully orange carrot

  2. Wrap delightfully orange carrot in sliced turkey breast

  3. Dip in guacamole and repeat! 

I like this snack as a quick go to if I’m at home, which I have been A LOT during this pandemic. This is also a fantastic snack to have when you’re traveling on the road or flying. 

Pro tip: Be mindful of the amount of guacamole to carrot/turkey ratio you are using. If you’re like me, you love a WHOLE lotta guac.. However, with the high fat content of avocados, this delicious snack can be sneaky. Try to keep the guac less than a gallon / serving :)