Help, I hate cooking! (but want to eat healthy) | A Series

Welcome to my kitchen!

If you’re new to That’s SoFitness and don’t know much about me, I hate cooking. I hate grocery shopping. I hate thinking about what to eat. I hate thinking about whether my food is healthy or “good for me”. I’m overwhelmed by choices and paralyzed by the amount of information that is out there.


I’ll be the first to tell you, I don’t have STELLAR nutrition. I don’t eat perfectly or abide by any kind of diet or eating regime. I eat sweets, I drink alcohol, and I eat ice cream by the pint (I don’t recommend this).

I would say my diet is about 80 / 20 - 80% clean, 20% whatever I feel like. 

I spent many years calorie counting, measuring food, and obsessing over what I ate for sports and aesthetic reasons. I actually ENJOY doing this because the obsession and micromanaging give me a sense of control over EVERYTHING that I do and what goes in my body. This obsession is great for control freaks (you know who you are….) but the obsession would become paralyzing and cause me more anxiety when I was faced with a food situation that was out of my control. I would avoid social events where I knew the food would be so I didn’t have to be put in a situation that was out of my control. I become overwhelmed by choices on the menu and would often binge eat on food I would never otherwise eat because of how uncomfortable I was in a social situation. 


This lifestyle and micromanagement of my food and measuring, weighing, calorie counting were not sustainable. It was becoming detrimental to my mental health and therefore causing damage to my physical health. In the last 3 - 4 years, I’ve adopted my 80 / 20 eating rule. 

I want to reiterate that proper nutrition is one portion of a holistic circle of wellness.

I am by no means advocating you to go off willy-nilly and eat whatever you want with no regard to the nutrient value of what you are putting in your body. I want to emphasize that you do not have to be “perfect” with your nutrition and there is no one size fits all. You have to find the tips and tricks that work for you and your lifestyle. 

I don’t have all the answers but I have figured out a few tips and tricks to eating nutritious snacks and meals for the people that have a love-hate relationship with food. As simple as possible is my number 1. The more complicated something is, the less likely I am to do it or adhere to it. I’ve found this to be true for my clients as well. My snack and meal suggestions are not very fun, may not be very tasty, but they’ve worked for me.

I’ll be posting weekly snacks and meal ideas for the cooking haters out there!

Enjoy :)