My Roadtrip “Why”

I’m so excited to share with y’all I’ll be heading out on a month-long road trip across the Southwest (California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada)  exploring, hiking, and biking along the way. This “bee in my bonnet” (as my dad would say) quickly came to fruition and within a week, my road trip was planned and I took off on Sunday, July 5th. I’ll be teaching my virtual fitness classes, training clients, documenting my adventures, and sharing with you the not so perfect parts of being on the road for a month. 


This adventure is equal parts exciting and terrifying for me. For starters, I actually hate being in a car and driving. I have about a 2-hour capacity sitting in the car, and I’ve reached my limits. I also don’t like eating out at restaurants or picking up snack foods from gas stations or rest stops. The lack of healthy food options gives me anxiety. I also don’t do well when I’m out of a routine of regular exercise, sleeping in my bed, and having the “comforts” of home. For all these reasons, going on a month-long road trip seems like the exact opposite of what I would actually want to do. So why would I do this?

In short, because I can. I’m in a really unique situation because of COVID-19 where I’m working 100% virtually. I’ve been personal training clients and teaching fitness classes that can be done anywhere with my phone. I don’t have rent to pay because I sublet my apartment in Mountain View, CA, and moved to San Luis Obispo, CA to live with my parents to save money while riding out this pandemic. I’m an adventurer at heart and have been seeking some soul searching, limits pushing, exploration, and excitement. 

My tipping point of committing to this trip was a conversation I had with one of my best friends Julia, who is arguably the most similar human to me that I have met. The two of us together is an exhausting experience for anyone that would join because of our non-stop energy... Julia is a new mom to an adorable 5-month-old boy and adapting to her new phase in life. When I told Julia that I was debating on getting away for a few weeks to explore some new places, I shared with her my apprehension and uncertainty of whether it was a good idea for a litany of reasons. 

Julia basically told me I was insane for not going on a trip like this and now was a perfect time. Of course, she would never trade her little boy for the world, but if she was in my position and had this opportunity, she would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t know what it was about Julia speaking this truth to me that lit the fire inside of me to realize, I have to do this.

I respect and value Julia’s opinion on so many levels being one of my closest friends, hearing her say this to me was like looking myself in the mirror and saying, “You have to do this.” 

As someone who seeks stability, predictability, and wants complete control, this trip does not fit that narrative (although, my detailed, color-coded spreadsheet would tell you otherwise). But if 2020 has shown us anything, there is nothing stable or predictable about life. Perspective is everything and we always want what we can’t have. I see my friends and clients with stable jobs and security which is something I’m longing for right now. They see me with my freedom and choice, being able to go wherever I want, when I want. I’ve been blind to my own position in life because I’ve been too focused on all the things I’ve lost or don’t have because of COVID-19, rather than see the amazing opportunities that are right in front of me.

We all have choices to make. You can choose to be the victim and feed the story of all you’ve lost or the things you don’t have. Or you can choose gratitude, overcome, and adapt to what is now in front of you. I’m choosing to embrace the position of freedom and opportunity. 

Take action. Stop blaming. Be grateful. 

See ya on the road fam! 🚗