My Cup's Full

It has been three GLORIOUS weeks of this road trip. I’ve seen the most amazing views, hiked 100s of miles, and have checked off so many places I’ve dreamed of seeing. 

While I was in Moab this week, a flip switched inside me. It was my last morning and I chose to hike out at sunrise to see the Delicate Arch. While hiking out, the most amazing thing happened. A combination of sprinkling rain, clouds in the sky, and the light from the sunrise created this full rainbow behind me. I’d never seen something like this in my life!


I stopped to admire the beauty of this rainbow and time felt like it stood still.

In that moment, I realized I had accomplished everything I wanted by doing this trip. I felt fulfilled and content. More than content. Overflowing with joy, happiness, and gratitude. I realized then, my cup was full.

Full of memories, viewpoints, miles of hiking and driving, and people I’m grateful to have met on this road trip.

On the flip side, I’m reaching my breaking point of exhaustion. I’ve loved every moment of this trip (even the car trouble and getting lost in the desert), but it comes at a cost.I don’t have an internal barometer to know when it's time to slow down. I will keep going and going, like the energizer bunny.

This quality of mine - a gift and sometimes a curse - allows me to accomplish a lot and be NON-STOP (Hamilton reference for you fans out there). The curse of this quality is the potential of extreme burnout and exhaustion. Having lived through this cycle MANY times, I can begin to feel when it's coming on. It’s hard for me to admit and accept that I can’t do it all. That I do have boundaries and that I have limits. I’m nearing that point. 

With that, I’ll be heading home early - 5 days early. I’m making a pitstop in the Bay Area and then cruising on down back to San Luis Obispo. I miss my dogs. I miss my bed. I miss my parents. I’m ready to go home.

Cheers to my overflowing cup of

joy, happiness, and gratitude!

Thanks for following along on this journey. I’ll continue to post stories, tips, and highlights over the next couple weeks :)
